
Feedback Form

Your Feedback will make us more Stronger..

    Company Details

    Company Name (*)

    City (*)

    Country (*)

    Full Name

    First Name

    Last Name

    Machine Details

    Machine Name (*)

    Machine Capacity

    Installation Year(*)

    Overall Machine Perfomance

    Average Daily Production (*)
    Less than 1 Ton1 to 3 Ton3 to 6 Ton6 to 9 TonMore than 6 Ton

    Average Machine Working Hour (*)
    Less than 6 hours6 to 8 hours8 to 10 hours10 to 12 hoursMore than 10 hours

    Major breakdown observed (*)
    NoOnce a yearTwice a yearThrice a yearMore than three

    Compare to other machines those are available, would you say that Bajrang Engineering machine, (*)
    Much betterSomewhere betterAbout the sameSomewhat worseMuch worse

    Will you use or purchase Bajrang Engineering machine again? (*)
    DefinitelyProbablyMight or Might notProbably NotDefinitely Not

    If you have contacted Bajrang Engineering customer support, were all problems resolved to your satisfaction? (*)
    Yes, by the company or its representativeYes, by me or someone outside companyNo the problem was not resolvedNo problems/No contact with customer support

    Would you like to tell Bajrang Engineering about your satisfaction with its that was not already asked in this form

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